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Workshop with students from Nanhi Duniya in Selaqui

August 2018 we conducted workshops with students from Nanhi Duniya in Selaqui and Moravian Institute in Rajpur.

500 fruit saplings with farmers in Chamasari Gram Sabha

In the same month we decided to plant 500 fruit saplings with farmers in Chamasari Gram Sabha and dedicated a full time Ex-Eco task force person to monitor the ensure health of these saplings.

We are one of the 12 start-ups being mentored and supported by IOC Research and Development

Our project Sustainable Livelihoods from low value waste plastic; was chosen from hundreds of start-ups by the Indian Oil Corporation Research and Development Division.

"SGI aims to complete the project with the IOC grant by June 2021. We will continue to focus on recycling and collecting plastic waste and creating value from the same."

- SGI Foundation